At the end of August, I attended my first ever BackStage event. BackStage is the Leadership event that Stampin’ Up! hosts every year and I was so excited to qualify for the conference at the end of May this year so I could join my demo friends in Vegas!!
I travelled with my mom (best travel buddy ever!) and we were in Vegas from Wednesday – Sunday. We enjoyed spending time together when I wasn’t in Stampin’ Up! events.
Thursday night, Friday day, and Saturday day/night brought the Stampin’ Up! events.
On Thursday night, Stampin’ Up! hosted a pool-side party complete with a marquee in the actual pool, games, an all-attendee prize (sunglasses!). This was the Sweets and Swaps event so you can imagine there was also food, drinks and swapping! I didn’t make any swaps this time around, but I did make gifts for fellow demo friends who were attending.
I was originally in search of banana flavored laffy taffy, but when I went to find them, I came across these gummy bananas instead! They were PERFECT to pair with the Little Monkey bundle – and just look how stinkin’ cute these treats turned out!!
On Friday, we had general sessions and breakout sessions until about 4 in the afternoon. We learned a lot about how to better our best, saw our demonstrator friends, and more! It was fun and exhausting. I was grateful for no plans on Friday night and enjoyed a pool-side dinner with my mom. Then we walked around the casino a little, came back to our room, and watched a show while I worked a little.
Saturday was much busier with general and breakout sessions all night followed by a “Final Night Experience” hosted by Stampin’ Up! They took all attending demonstrators to see the. Cirque du Soleil Beatles “Love” show and it. was. incredible!!
Sunday brought the plane ride home and I definitely could have stayed a little longer!
A big highlight of the conference was getting to hear my friends Jaimie Babarczy and Debra Harrison speak in two separate breakout sessions. They were fabulous of course!
I did a really good job of being “in the moment” during this event, but I managed to successfully remember to take pictures with *almost* everyone I talked to (well, let’s be honest, a lot of them had to take the picture and then send it to me!!). Here are the pictures I managed to take:
Of course, what’s a Stampin’ Up! event without goodies?! They spoiled me, and so did my stamping friends!!! Here’s a look at what I received.
Gifts from Stampin’ Up!:
Gifts from demo friends:
Swap cards from demo friends (my Monkey gifts weren’t an official “swap” but some insisted I take one of their swaps anyway, so sweet!):
Here’s a video sharing my experience of BackStage. I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks to my amazing Inkredible Crafters team members and customers for helping me achieve the “leadership” title in Stampin’ Up! so I could attend this awesome event!!!
You did a wonderful recap! I will watched the video later and comment again there!
Thank you for sharing your experience with us!