Stampin’ Up! Share a Milkshake Ice Cream Card

The Share a Milkshake bundle has some fun images to make milkshakes, but it also has stamps that make little bowls of ice cream! Today’s card features those stamps, and is such a fun card. It is also the first (of three) that I shared in my live video last night, and is included in my Share a Milkshake Class to Go this week!

Below, you can watch the replay of my live video:

Click here to watch on YouTube!

These cute ice cream bowls are so fun! Below are the details on how you can get the Share a Milkshake Class to Go when you order this week, including card kits to make this card!

SHARE A MILKSHAKE CLASS TO GO: When you place an order ($35 minimum before tax and shipping) by the end of the day on Friday, January 27, I will send you the Class to Go packet – including all 6 card kits – for FREE! If you’d like the kit for this week’s class, make sure to use host code SPRB77GT. Orders over $50 will also get a spool of Sweet Sorbet Ribbon for FREE!

Click here to place your order and get the Share a Milkshake Class to Go!

Below, you can see the full list of supplies I used to make this card. All of the supplies listed are currently available in my online store:

Product List

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