Cleaning My Craft Room!


Welcome back to episode 3 of my Craft and Chat Series! Well, this week would be better named as “Clean and Chat” haha!

If you’re anything like me, you feel less creative when you have clutter around. It constantly feels like my brain has “too many tabs open” and I don’t feel inspired to do much. I’ve been feeling like that lately, and knew it was time for my craft room to get at least a basic clean!

And trust me, we’ll be doing some organizing, decluttering in future videos. I hope I can help inspire you to tackle whatever challenging thing you’re needing to take on!

Check out the video below to see my whole cleaning process!

During the video, I mentioned a 12 x 12 Paper Holder and Paper Sleeves that I’m using to store Stampin’ Up!’s new scrapbooking line. You can check them out on Amazon at the links below (please note: the links below are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you click those links with no additional cost to you).

12 x 12 PAPER HOLDER: Click here

12 x 12 PAPER SLEEVES: Click here

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